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The Sensible Homeschool Mission
Hi! Thanks so much for stopping by! My name is Sandy and I’m a Christian, engineer-turned-homeschooling-mom-of-three. I created this blog to provide real, practical, help and encouragement to YOU! Whether you’re considering home education or already deep in the trenches, it’s my prayer that the tips, resources, and experiences shared here will help you in some way.
When my family started homeschooling, the shared resources and encouragement from my local and online homeschool communities were amazing. Looking back, I’m 100% certain my homeschool wouldn’t be what it is today without the generosity and advice of the homeschoolers who paved the way for the rest of us.
This blog is an effort to pay it forward. The homeschool movement is growing (especially post-2020!) but we’re still a small minority group. We need to stick together and help each other out! My hope is that the information here will provide real, doable solutions and encouragement to help your homeschool succeed.
A Little More About Me
It seems like a lifetime ago that I got my Bachelor and Master of Architectural Engineering degrees and worked in AE and architecture for over eleven years. When I had my first baby in 2009, I left the (paid) workforce to stay home with him. Back then I never imagined we’d be homeschooling, but, years later, here we are and loving it (most days)!
Besides blogging here at the Sensible Homeschool, you can find my articles in publications like the Journal of Architectural Engineering and The Old Schoolhouse Magazine. I’ve also written a book, Think About Homeschooling: What It Is, What It Isn’t, & Why It Works, to help prospective and new homeschoolers navigate the often misunderstood world of home education.
I hope the resources and ideas you find here are helpful to you wherever you are on your homeschooling journey!
Have a Question? Need Homeschooling Advice?
Are you considering home education but not sure where to start? Do you have questions or comments about something you read here? Feel free to drop me a line and I’ll make every effort to get back to you!
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