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Our Curriculum Choices – Year 3

sensible homeschool our curriculum choices year three on chalkboard background

(Last Updated on December 17, 2020)

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If you haven’t done so yet, read the first post in this series here and check out Our Curriculum Choices – Year 1 and Year 2.

Year 3 Snapshot

Each year seems to bring something new and Year 3 was no exception. It was the first time I was homeschooling with an infant and without the support and encouragement of my dear mother-in-law who passed away only a few weeks after I had our third baby. 

But God has always been our Provider, whether it’s in the form of new insights, tangible resources, or help from friends and family. He’s consistently given us hope and a way through difficult seasons, both in homeschooling and life in general. 

By Year 3, I had a better feel for routines that worked (and didn’t work), what each kid could handle and what activities they liked best. Our new baby girl still slept a lot which helped. And, although I didn’t feel like it was easier to have three kids, in some ways it forced me to slow down which was a good thing. Nursing, for example, is a great excuse for a chance to sit down!

So through the ups and downs and diapers, we moved forward into our third year of homeschooling. Here are the resources we used.

Year 3 Curriculum Choices – 2nd Grade

Year 3 Curriculum Choices – PreK (age 4/5)

Bible study and read-alouds we do as a family, and this year our preschooler was more involved with the science, history and health/safety lessons, too. In addition to the work we did together, he also had some of his very own, big-boy, school work:

Other Fun Stuff

If you’ve read the previous posts in this series, you’ll know we were blessed to find a wonderful co-op not too far from our home early on in our homeschool journey. Year 3 we continued our weekly enrichment classes there again. This time my oldest took Fun & Games, Gym, Art Exploration and Nature Study. My preschooler had group games, crafts, introductory Spanish, and music activities in his co-op preschool class. 

Both boys continued with Homeschool Open Gym at our local park district and loved taking gymnastics classes, also through our park district. We had some schedule conflicts with the Gym & Swim class we’d done in the past, which was a bummer since the boys loved it and it was very affordable. Instead, we dabbled in some online kid fitness videos (like the ones found on and used resources like the Presidential Youth Fitness Program K-3 Fitness Club to get the boys moving daily.

We also found an online robotics course from Supercharged Science which was a blast. The boys both started group piano lessons at our park district. And, of course… field trips galore!

Click here to see Our Curriculum Choices – Year 4!

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Sensible Homeschool Our Curriculum Choices Year 3 on chalkboard background

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