Think About Homeschooling is now available on Amazon & Rainbow Resource Center!
What readers are saying…
Thinking about homeschooling? Just getting started?
Think About Homeschooling guides prospective and new homeschoolers on a journey of discovering what home education actually is so they can make well-informed educational choices for their family. This book will help you:
- Discover the three key benefits to home-based education and learn why it works so well for so many different families.
- Identify and dismantle the homeschooling stereotypes and misconceptions that are holding you back.
- Evaluate the pros and cons of educating your child(ren) at home.
- Explore what the role of home educator means for you and envision what the homeschooling lifestyle could look like for your family.
- Respond confidently to the homeschool critics in your life.
- Gain the knowledge and courage you need to step out of the cultural current and homeschool successfully.
Don’t let fear stand between your family and this rewarding, life-changing adventure! Empower yourself to make an educated decision; think about homeschooling!