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Think About Homeschooling

Think About Homeschooling

(Last Updated on October 24, 2023)

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I could never homeschool because…

  • I can’t spend 24/7 with my kids.
  • I can’t teach every subject and every grade.
  • It takes too much time.
  • I’m not a teacher.
  • I don’t remember calculus.
  • I don’t know how to find curricula.
  • We can’t afford it.
  • I want my kids to socialize and have friends.
  • I don’t have enough patience.
  • I want my kids to have all the opportunities schools provide.

These are all concerns I had when our family first considered homeschooling and I hear non-homeschooling parents say things like this all the time

Most parents were traditionally schooled and it’s just hard to imagine what homeschooling is really like if you haven’t experienced it. It’s so different. So counter-cultural. 

Yes, it is counter-cultural. But so are a lot of good things! 

Homeschooling is not just an educational method – it’s a lifestyle. It’s full of great potential for students and parents alike! 

Unfortunately, all that great potential is hidden under heaps of outdated stereotypes and misinformation. Parents who might be interested in homeschooling think, “I’d love to try it, but I’m not a teacher” and they cross it off their list of options. 

But what if I told you none of the concerns I listed above have to be deal-breakers? What if I told you many of them aren’t even relevant or true? 

Let’s think through the objections above for just a minute…

“I can’t spend 24/7 with my kids.” 

I don’t know any homeschoolers who spend 24/7 with their kids! Between co-ops, extracurricular and academic classes, and other breaks, each family can find the balance that works for them. 

“I can’t teach every subject and every grade.”

You don’t have to! Most homeschooling parents outsource at least some of their kids’ subjects in some way.

“It takes too much time.”

Just like private tutoring, homeschooling can be incredibly efficient. I’ve personally found that we have more time and more control over our time because we homeschool.

“I’m not a teacher.”

I’m not either! Thankfully, as I said in my book Think About Homeschooling, “‘homeschooling parent’ and ‘classroom teacher’ are not the same thing.” Homeschooling parents are free to tailor their role to match their unique strengths.

“I don’t remember calculus.”

No problem! If you don’t know a certain subject, there are plenty of resources available to help you get the job done well. 

“I don’t know how to find curricula.”

There are a lot of choices out there and, with a little research, you’ll be able to narrow down the selection and find what you need. I always recommend Cathy Duffy reviews to new homeschoolers who aren’t sure where to start.

“We can’t afford it.”

This one will depend on a lot of factors. Homeschooling can be very inexpensive if you need it to be. If educating your kids at home is a priority for you, there’s almost always a way to make it work. I share helpful financial strategies for homeschoolers in this series of posts.

“I want my kids to socialize and have friends.”

Me, too! And they do! Homeschooling has allowed my family – both kids and parents – to develop wonderful friendships with same-aged peers and people of all ages.

“I don’t have enough patience.”

I’m pretty sure every person alive has room for improvement when it comes to patience. Educating at home has given our family time and space to focus on self-improvement, family relationships, and positive character traits. 

“I want my kids to have all the opportunities schools provide.”

Educating your kids at home doesn’t mean sub-par opportunities. In fact, we’ve got more opportunities for extracurricular activities and academic classes than we know what to do with! 

Deciding whether or not to educate your kids at home is a life-changing choice. It’s so critical that parents think it through thoroughly and accurately!

I wrote the book Think About Homeschooling: What It Is, What It Isn’t, & Why It Works to help prospective and new homeschoolers sort out fact from fiction. Once misconceptions are clarified, parents are able to see the real benefits of homeschooling. Empowered with accurate information, they can then make an informed decision about their kids’ education.

If you’re on the fence about homeschooling, feel free to contact me – I’d be happy to help you think it through!

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